
From the“Original Hometown of Shu People"to the“Hometown of Lemons",and then to the"Capital of Silkworms"——Looking at the"Butterfly Transformation"and Breakthrough of County Economy in Ziyang City

來源:m.jzytyy.com 時間:2023-12-04 12:20:08 編輯:ZhongWang 點擊:
Looking at the current Ziyang,the counties present a lively scene.
Anyue County,which has a long history of lemon cultivation and is known as the"Hometown of Lemons in China",utilizes its excellent soil and water environment and rich fruit tree resources to develop lemon-related industries and transform resource advantages into industrial advantages.
In accordance with the regional layout,park construction,factory production ideas,Lezhi County vigorously develop sericulture industry,in 2022 was officially awarded by the China Silk Association"China's Silkworm Capital"title based on its own endowment.
Yanjiang District around the"one main two excellent two new"industrial development positioning,accelerate the transformation of new and old kinetic energy,play the county economic development"the strongest voice".

(Ziyang LinKong Industry Incubation Center Peng Changsheng/Photoed. Ziyang City LinKong Economic Zone Management Committee/Supplied)
In order to deeply study and implement the spirit of important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping's visit to Sichuan and the spirit of the Fourth Plenary Session of the Twelfth Provincial Party Committee,Ziyang City is taking the integration of industry and city as a breakthrough,continuing to deepen the reform and innovation,guarding against and solving all kinds of risks,using the county as an important carrier,striving to promote the high-quality development of the county's economy,coordinating and advancing the strategy of new townships and cities,and promoting urban and rural integration and balanced development.
"Recruiting talented individuals"
Using the introduction of talent as the development of the county's economic"source of power"
"Grasp the introduction of talents and strengthen cooperation with universities and research institutes."
"Make good use of Ziyang City household registration outside science and technology innovation talent resources,focus on introducing a number of urgently needed shortage of industrial talent and innovation and entrepreneurship team."
"Make good use of various talents,build various innovation and entrepreneurship platforms with dedication,and refine and improve targeted service guarantee measures such as talent housing,children's education,and family employment."......In the Ziyang Municipal Party Committee Talent Work Leading Group held in August this year,the first meeting of 2023 put forward such requirements.

(Sichuan Yucheng Shoe-making Industrial Park Ziyang Municipal Party Committee Propaganda Department/supplied)
To develop the county,innovation is the key and talent is the focus.In recent years,in order to enhance the policy iteration"gold content",Ziyang City takes Chengdu City as the standard,from various aspects of the introduction of talent to help,iterative upgrading"1+N"talent policy system.It is understood that talent policies have been formulated successively,including the introduction of high-level talents and 25 industrial talents;Improve the hierarchical cultivation system for outstanding talents,leading talents,and young talents;Realize full chain incentives from"talent cultivation"to"entrepreneurship support,children's enrollment,housing security"."It is necessary to attract talents as well as retain them."The relevant person in charge of Ziyang City Human Resources and Social Security Bureau said that warm-hearted policies can attract and retain talents.
Industry flourishes,talent gathers;talent flourishes,industry is strong.Emphasis on talent is not difficult,the difficulty is how to make the best use of talent?How to attract talent in a targeted manner?

(Production workshop of Sichuan Yucheng Shoe-making Industrial Park Sichuan Yucheng Shoe-making Industrial Park/supplied)
In Ziyang City,Anyue County,Sichuan Yucheng Shoe-making Industrial Park production workshop,you can see the shoe workers are foot sewing machine to catch up with the product,such technical work is not anyone can be competent,for the shoe-making such a labor-intensive industry,human resources is the focus."Through the government,the park and the enterprise's tripartite linkage to introduce high-level talent,the government will give the introduction of talent policy support;our park will have a life supporting projects,commercial and residential buildings to the introduction of talent at cost price to retain him;the enterprise side will have the corresponding incentives and subsidies mechanism."The relevant person in charge of the industrial park said that in order to retain talent park is committed to building a lifestyle,the park is now building 80,000 square meters of residential projects and 50,000 square meters of commercial street projects."Subsequently,the park in the construction of talents the first is to further enrich the cultural construction of the park,and actively carry out a variety of lifestyle activities in the park;the second is to build a working platform for talents,such as the construction of masters'studios,R&D studios,etc.;and the third is to strengthen the service of talents,and to solve the problem of talents'children's local schooling,family members'medical treatment,and other difficulties in their lives,etc."
The introduction of talents in Sichuan Yucheng Shoe-making Industrial Park is only a microcosm of Ziyang City's efforts to promote the high quality of talent work.
In addition,Ziyang City issued 25 measures to support the construction of special industry talent gathering place,China Dental Valley talent introduction of special support measures and other industrial talent new policy,divided into industry to develop natural gas,lemon and other 8 industrial talent special support measures,according to the professional function of the county,agricultural products and other types of counties in the main producing areas of counties,development needs for the"precise attraction of talent",effectively promote the introduction of talent and the development needs of the county economy to docking,and further improve the strengthening of modern industrial system talent support policy guarantee system.According to statistics,Ziyang City in the past five years,all kinds of talents added 50,000 people,39,000 college students,talent effect continues to strengthen.
"Being unique"
Using specialty industries as a"gas pedal"to promote the county's economy

(Foshan Orange Sea Modern Agricultural Park Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Development/Supplied)
The rice corn is golden yellow,melons and fruits are fragrant,and the fertile fields are full of harvest scenes.
"A year of good scenery must be remembered,most of all when the orange is yellow and orange is green."In Ziyang City,Yanjiang District of Foshan Orange Sea Modern Agricultural Park can be seen in patches of orange groves,golden fruit is very eye-catching,not only that,in this year's Ninth Sichuan Agricultural Expo and Chengdu International Urban Modern Agricultural Expo held on October 27th can also be seen in Yanjiang citrus figure.
The citrus industry in Yanjiang as one of the"business card",this year also remains"great".It is understood that this year Yanjiang citrus planting area of 270,000 acres,ranking 4th in the province's counties(districts),built a"morning and evening"two citrus industry belt,and realized the first self-managed exports of Kyrgyzstan 22.05 tons of mandarin oranges,for the product to the international community to add a thick ink.
The repeated achievements are the results of the county town's targeted development of characteristic advantageous industries based on its own resource carrying capacity,location conditions and other factors.
Industry is the main support of the county economic development,and the formation of the county with local characteristics of the industry is the icing on the cake for the development of the county economy.Therefore,it is crucial to respect the law of development of each county,to be self-sufficient in the county's actuality,and to grasp the differentiated advantages that no one has and that no one has.
County to develop,never"one side of a thousand cities",but to do"each with its own characteristics".Ziyang City,focusing on cultivating"a county a special"industrial clusters,in addition to Yanjiang citrus,Anyue lemon and Lezhi silkworms are also Ziyang let people know the"side".

(Anyue Lemon Ziyang Municipal Party Committee Propaganda Department/supplied)
According to Ziyang City Agricultural and Rural Affairs Bureau of the relevant person in charge of the introduction,this year,Anyue lemon planting area of 480,000 acres,the annual output of 530,000 tons,both accounted for 70%of the country,the brand value ranked first in the province's fruit category,citrus category of the country's third,the lemon exports accounted for 90%of the province's fruits;Lezhi Mulberry Silkworm planting area of 136,000 acres,ranked fourth in the province's counties(districts),the comprehensive sericulture output value of more than 1.5 billion yuan,and the same for their Contribute to the development of the county economy.
"Strengthen the foundation"
Using the optimization of urban construction as the county's economic"foundation pile".
The county is a meeting point belonging to both urban and rural areas,and is an important entry point for promoting the integrated development of urban and rural areas,which is not the same as the countryside,let alone the city.
Sun Wenhua,a senior economist at the Shanghai Lixin Accounting and Finance Institute,said,"It is impossible for counties to reach city-sized construction,but counties can compete with cities from a number of life and work perspectives,such as'convenience,comfort,slow tempo,expenditure ratio,and the same services'."To promote the county's economic development,the focus is also on improving the county's roads,housing and other aspects of infrastructure.

(Rehabilitation of old neighborhoods Ziyang Municipal Party Committee Propaganda Department/supplied)
Streets and neighborhoods are refreshed,broken roads are repaired,fitness equipment and other infrastructure are added,and today,the people of Ziyang have a significantly increased sense of access to the urban construction sector.It is reported that this year,Ziyang City,the people's livelihood in the field of urban construction in an orderly manner to promote the transformation of a total of 390 old neighborhoods,adding 106 elevators,exceeding the target;take the lead in promoting the full coverage of property management,to solve the problem of the central urban area of 483 neighborhoods without property;open up the 5 cut-off road,completion of a seat,start 2 three-dimensional street facilities;repair 11 exposed mountains,renovate 1.1 kilometers of important road facades,and enhance the appearance of 8 important nodes.
"The next step,we will continue to accelerate the transformation of old neighborhoods,the implementation of urban bare mountain section repair and"pocket parks"construction,planning parks and green space business implantation,to create a high-quality livable place,and further enhance the livability level."Ziyang City Housing and Urban Renewal Bureau,said the relevant person in charge.
At present,from the“Original Hometown of Shu People"to the“Hometown of Lemons",and then to the"Capital of Silkworms",Ziyang's"one district,two counties"write its own"small town story".Accompanied by the comprehensive implementation of the rural revitalization strategy and the new urbanization strategy,Ziyang City needs to light up the"bright light"of the county,promote the coordinated development of urban and rural areas,and illuminate the way for the high-quality development of the county economy.(Wang Lu Xiao zhengjun)