
Three colors are painted,intertwined to draw a new picture of the county's economic development-feel the potential and power of the development behind the Lezhi

來源:m.jzytyy.com 時間:2023-12-14 16:49:06 編輯:ZhongWang 點擊:
The heart of the Central Sichuan Basin,the hometown of Marshal Chen Yi.

(New Look of the City)
This is the"label"of Lezhi County in Ziyang City,Sichuan Province,and also one of the well-known"business cards"of this county town.At the same time,it is also a place where the Chengdu Chongqing Dual City Economic Circle,Chengdu Plain Economic Zone,and Chengdu Metropolitan Circle overlap.It is the first and only county-level city in China to be awarded the title of"China's Silkworm Capital",and has been rated as one of the top ten counties with the most investment potential in the Chengdu Chongqing Economic Zone……It is honor,advantage,and motivation.With the acceleration of the construction of the Chengdu Chongqing dual city economic circle,Lezhi County is situated within it,enjoying its momentum,and will definitely make full use of it to exert its maximum effectiveness.
In order to thoroughly study and implement the 20th CPC National Congress and General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions to visit Sichuan,and conscientiously implement the spirit of the Fourth Plenary Session of the 12th Provincial Party Committee,Lezhi County is taking the construction of Chengdu-Chongqing region's Twin Cities Economic Circle as the general traction,and Chengdu Ziyang co-citizenship as a strategic support,and vigorously implement the industrial strength of the county,innovation and development of the"two-wheel drive"and the new industrialization,new urbanization,"two interactive"strategy,and make every effort to fight a good"three big battle",deepen the"N reforms"and other efforts to promote the Chengdu-Chongqing region,the rise of the central contribution to Lezhi strength.
Painting"Economic Green"
Developing Specialty Industries

(The Mulberry Garden)
April in the countryside is the busiest time of the year,just after the sericulture business is over,it's time to plant rice seedlings again.Overlooking the Lezhi mulberry field,a large piece of green into the eyes.From a crystal clear natural silk,to a smooth and soft silk,weaving out the"China's Silkworm Capital"thousands of years of development story.
Daybreak,Lezhi modern sericulture industrial park has come to the sound of labor,farmers carry fresh mulberry leaves to the sericulture shed,to feed the silkworms.From planting mulberry,sericulture,cocoon,reeling,each step of the process is sericulturists day after day,year after year of hard labor,now Lezhi County sericulture industry has long been not purely artificial,science and technology has brought new opportunities for its development.
In April and June this year,the province and the national sericulture industry high-quality development of the General Assembly were successfully held in Lezhi County,to further enhance the"China's Silkworm Capital"influence and visibility.

(National Sericulture Industry High-quality Development Conference and"China's Silkworm Capital"Construction Promotion Meeting)
"With the advantage of'Chengdu location,Lezhi cost',we have attracted well-known scientific research institutes from inside and outside the province to cooperate with us.First,the introduction of scientific research institutions;second,achieve the transformation of scientific and technological achievements;third,the establishment of a technology exchange platform."Lezhi County Sericulture Bureau,said the relevant person in charge,the empowerment of innovation and science and technology for the Lezhi sericulture industry to enhance the quality and efficiency."So far,Lezhi has successfully introduced 3 expert teams such as Sichuan University,Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine and other well-known institutions,built 4 municipal academician(expert)workstations,signed 14 scientific and technological cooperation projects(agreement);at the same time,Lezhi has successfully declared 23 national invention patents,developed 6 industry standards,more than 10 scientific and technological achievements into application,sericulture industry cooperation and innovation to realize the blossoming."
To boost the county economy,industry is the key,and specialty industries are the top priority.Specialty industries not only support the local farmers'"money bags",but also let people understand a county's"golden key".
And sericulture industry is Lezhi County to open the door of the county's economic development of the"key".The relevant person in charge of Lezhi County Party Committee mentioned that Lezhi is following the idea of regionalized layout,park construction and factory production.With the focus on high-quality sericulture breeding industry,mulberry resources processing industry,agriculture,mulberry,culture and tourism integration industry,to promote the development of the sericulture industry,and in the future will also strive to become the pioneer of the national wisdom of sericulture,modern sericulture all elements of the integration of the new park advocate,the stiff silkworm industry standard maker.It is reported that this year,Lezhi County has fully built a modern sericulture full factor integration new park covering 12000 acres,upgraded the construction of a white stiff silkworm base covering 10000 acres,and launched the construction of the Lezhi stiff silkworm industrial park.Smart sericulture is steadily advancing,technology transformation capabilities are improving,and the integration of the three industries is deeper.The golden signboard of"China's Silkworm Capital"continues to shine.
Depicting"Tourism Red"
Promoting Cultural Tourism
Chen Yi's hometown is the biggest business card of Lezhi County.

(Chen Yi's hometown)
Recently,the 8th Plenary Session of the 5th Ziyang Municipal Party Committee was held,and the"Decision(Discussion Draft)"reviewed at the meeting reflected the"Lezhi element"in multiple places,mentioning important content and major issues related to the development of Lezhi,reflecting the high attention and strong support of the Ziyang Municipal Party Committee to the development of Lezhi.Among them,in the cultural tourism-related aspects,it is proposed to enhance the Chen Yi’s hometown,the National Rural Industry Integration Development Demonstration Park and other platforms radiation-driven ability,support the Lezhi to create the National Red Tourism Integration Development Demonstration Zone,and so on.
Enter Chen Yi's hometown and feel the red culture.This former residence built on the mountain tells the story of Marshal Chen Yi's past life:a stone inkstone on one side reflects Chen Yi's early thirst for knowledge;Five red tassels and swords,witnessing the bravery,fighting spirit,and selflessness of revolutionary predecessors;A"letter to parents"expresses Chen Yi's aspirations and feelings of"starting from the people".

(Chen Yi's hometown)
During this year's Mid Autumn Festival and National Day,as one of the first batch of classic red tourism scenic spots in China,Chen Yi's hometown welcomed many tourists to check in.On the original basis,the scenic spot launched seven theme activities,including bamboo weaving,paper cuttings,group fan and other intangible cultural heritage handicraft experience,as well as famous people's book exhibition,tutor's style exhibition and other theme exhibitions;In addition,Lezhi County also launched four boutique tourism routes:Red Memory·Chen Yi's Hometown Classic Tour,Sichuan Pure Land·Millennium Ancient Temple Meditation Tour,Poetic Countryside·China’s Silkworm Capital Experience Tour,and Promoting morality and ethics·Youth Student Study Tour,allowing tourists to interact and experience while visiting.
It is reported that during the 8-day"Double Festival"holiday,Chen Yi's hometown received a total of 164,500 tourists and achieved a comprehensive tourism income of 32.915 million yuan.The relevant person in charge of the Lezhi County Party Committee stated that the local government should make good use of tourism resources such as Chen Yi's hometown scenic area and the Kingdom of the Swing,actively strive to create a national demonstration zone for the integrated development of red tourism,and paint a brilliant"red"for the economic development of Lezhi County.
Drawing"Livelihood Orange"
Helping to benefit the people
There are no small matters in people's livelihood,and every branch and leaf is closely related to the situation.
Listening to the voices of the people and understanding their thoughts,the development of county towns needs to revolve around people.Since the beginning of this year,the Housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau of Lezhi County has anchored the overall direction of"three districts and three cities",with"interaction between industrialization and urban-rural integration"as the overall focus,and made every effort to promote the 2023 urban planning and construction battle,build a livable and business friendly city,and paint the"orange"of people's livelihood.

(The renovated former dormitory area of the Broadcasting Bureau)
Continuing to expand the Yulong Lake Area and other urban backbone road network,accelerate the Yulong Education Industrial Park,the county medical comprehensive service construction projects and other public facilities supporting the planning and implementation of housing security,urban renewal,environmental protection and other projects to promote the construction of 16 projects to start,22 projects renewed,7 projects completed……Constantly remodeling and upgrading,Lezhi County's achievements in improving urban construction are obvious to all.According to the relevant person in charge of the Lezhi County Housing and Construction Bureau,in terms of optimizing the human environment,the 2023 old district renovation project(16 districts),the old city ecological restoration project is being accelerated,and at present it has completed the urban roads of about 10 kilometers,33 kilometers of gas pipeline renovation,existing elevator retrofitting of 20,the construction of new and upgraded public toilets of 7,and the construction of new living garbage classification demonstration area of 4.
Education is the foundation of a century long plan.In addition to the infrastructure level of county towns,education has always been a key focus of people's livelihood.

(the Yulong Education Industrial Park in Lezhi County)
In order to solve the long-existing high school class size,comprehensive reform of the college entrance examination and general high school education and other resource constraints,the Yulong Education Industrial Park in Lezhi County has emerged in response to the current situation.It is understood that the industrial park from September last year to date,has completed the park teaching building,experimental complex,Leyang Academy,cafeteria,art complex,dormitory building,administrative complex,No.1 and No.2 main construction of the main gate and the No.1 gate steel structure,No.1 and No.2 teaching building,the administrative complex of the exterior wall of the construction of the real stone paint,is advancing the No.1 experimental complex,the No.1 and No.2 cafeteria internal and external wall plastering construction,No.3 teaching building exterior wall insulation,No.2 experimental complex,Leyang Academy exterior wall real stone paint construction,No.1 and No.2 teaching building,administrative complex,Kuixing Building,Art Complex,dormitory building decorative decoration construction,the speed of construction is being pushed forward at full steam.
While the"hard power"of education has been enhanced,the"soft power"cannot be ignored.Lezhi County has always placed education in a strategic position of priority development,and the construction of the teacher team is also steadily improving,holding force to carry out capacity building training,carefully build high moral and artistic teacher team.
The next step,Lezhi County will maximize the leading and radiating role of the 15 newly established county-level teacher studios this year,and achieve an innovative teacher group in the teacher professional development strategy of"teacher guidance,team cooperation,overall improvement,resource sharing,and balanced complementarity".This will effectively promote curriculum reform and comprehensively improve the quality of education.
A place where geomancy and people are the unique flavor of a county.From the countryside to the city,the county is the intersection of this,but also the starting point.Lezhi County should be based on its own advantages,not to do"one side of a thousand cities",but with a good hand"three colors",in the county economic development map painted a colorful one.(Wang Lu  Xiao ZhengJun)